Examination 2 Review

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1. A line of pull, from medial Epicondyle of Humerus to Radius of forearm would cause what movement to occur at forearm?

2. If a muscle passing across the elbow joint on posterior side, allow for what action occur?

3. Biceps Brachii origin has two points - what are they?

4. Action of Biceps Brachii?

5. Two muscles of upper arm responsible for extension?

6. Action of Brachialis?

7. Does the brachialis lie superficial or inferior to the Biceps Brachii?

8. A flexor arm muscle which also causes pronation?

9. Origin of pronator teres?

10. Insertion of Brachioradials?

11. Number of Flexor Muscles of the arm at the elbow joint (primary movers)?

12. Number of Extensor muscles of Arm?

13. Number of Pronators muscles of arm?

14. Number of Supinator muscles of arm

15. Is the anconeus on the lareral or medial side of the arm?

16. Insertion of Triceps?

17. How many heads does the triceps muscle possess at itís origin?

18. Where do the heads of the triceps originate?

19. Action of Pronator Quadratus?

20. Location of Pronator Quadratus, Anterior or Posterior?

21. Is the line of pull of the pronator quadratus from medial to lateral or lateral to medial?

22. Muscular Membrane between Radius and Ulna?

23. Biceps Brachii - Supinator or Pronator?

24. Is the supinator muscle on the lateral or medial side of elbow?

25. Action of pronator teres ?

26. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris location, lateral or medial side of forearm? anterior or posterior? What action?

27. Action of Palmaris Longus, flexion or extension of hand?

28. Location of Extensor digiti minimi, lateral or medial side of forearm, lateral or medial, anterior or posterior?

29. Tendonous band on anterior side of wrist responsible for holding in the long tendons which run off of the flexors of hand?

30. Band to posterior side of hand?

31. Muscles with policis move what hand part?

32. Opposition allows what type of movement to occur at the hand?

33. Action of abductor pollicis longus?

34. Location of abductor pollicis longus, lateral or medial side of forearm?

35. Anatomical snuff box?

36. How many movements to the thumb? Name them.

37. Action of extensor digiti minimi?

38. Location of extensor digiti minimi, anterior or posterior forearm?

39. What are intrinsic muscles of the hand?

Muscle that is injured in shoulder, posterior side of humerus and scapula joint. Q - What possible muscle? Q - How do you test for evaluation?

41. What possible muscle would be involved if there were an injury on the anterior part of the shoulder at the joint?

42. What movements would you have an injured shoulder patient perform to determine which muscle was injured?

43. Muscle spasm in upper back - location along the vertebral border of scapula, which possible muscle(s) are causing the spasm?

44. Cannot act on horizontal extension or abduction of the arm, which muscle(s) are injured?

45. What possible muscle would be injured if one could not perform horizontal adduction

47. Mechanical Principles on Force & Acceleration

48. Work = force x ____. Through which the force acts.

49. Power = force x ____.

50. Third class levers are adapted more to speed or strength?

51. What is the most frequently occurring lever in the body?

52. Where are the transversopinalis muscles located?

53. Where are the external obliques located?

54. Primary muscle of abdomen used in performing set ups (to 45 degrees)?

55. Intercostal muscles used for inspiration?

56. Large sheath type muscle primarily responsible for depression of the abdomen?

57. Muscle primarily responsible for inhalation and exhalation at base of thoracic cavity?

58. Line of pull of external intercostal muscle? (with or at an angle to the sternum?)

59. Depression of thoracic cavity increases or decreases thoracic pressure?

60. What is the characteristic diaphragm on inspiration? (contracted or relaxed)

61. Deep posterior muscles responsible for erection or hyperextension of spine?

62. Muscles at posterior - base of skull responsible for assisting lateral flexion, extension and some circumduction of skull?

63. Bandage muscle - responsible for lateral flexion of head and extension?

64. Posterior Muscles, inserting on ribs - top and bottom, assist on rib depression, elevation?

65. Ligament at base of thorax, serves as insertion to abdominal muscles?

66. Muscles of abdomen responsible for lateral flexion of spine?

67. One abdominal muscle rotates same side and laterally flexes to that side?

68. One abdominal muscle rotates opposite of the side it flex is toward laterally?

69. Movement with gravity - Positive or Negative? Eccentric or Concentric?

70. A type of muscle which anchors or stabilizes a bone?

71. A type of muscle which contracts opposite to the joint action?

72. The muscle which posses tendenous inscriptions.

73. Insertion of the rectus abdomus?

74. Movement for shrugging the shoulders?

75. Shoulder movement in military press?

76. Shoulder movement for rowing a boat?

77. Biceps curl exercise - Movement of arms?

78. Lateral pull - exercise movement of arm?

79. Arm movement when thumb points down in throwing a ball?

80. Shoulder and arm movement in bench press?

81. Primary arm muscle in the bench press?

82. Primary chest muscle in bench ?

83. Primary muscle used in lateral pull machine?

84. Primary shoulder muscles in military press ?

85. Three posterior muscles of rotary cuff?

86. Anterior muscle of rotator cuff?

87. Outward rotators of rotator cuff?

88. Movement of shoulder and arms above head and back along the sagittal plane?

89. Shoulder and arm movement for straight arm pull down?

90. How many parts to trapezius?

91. How many parts to deltoids?

92. Pectoralis minor insertions?

93. Rhomboid action?

94. Latissimus dorsi action?

95. What muscle is responsible for upward rotation and elevation?

96. The muscle which is multipenate, responsible for elevation of scapula?

100. Big broad muscle on chest?

101. Movement of pectoralis?

102. Movement of arm away from mid line?

103. Muscle part on top of shoulder responsible for abduction of the arm?

104. Muscle under the lats responsible for abduction and medial rotation of the arm?

105. How many parts to the pectoralis major

Name the lower portion of the pectoralis major

Portion of the pectoralis major primarily responsible for incline bench press?

Portion of the pectoralis responsible for decline bench press?

Bone that the pectoralis major inserts on?

Author: A&M-Corpus Christi

Email: rp20@swt.edu

Home Page: http://www.hperd.swt.edu/pankey/index.html

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