Youth – Peer Relationships?
Chapter 4 – Jowett Readings
Relationships Among Peers in Athletics
Little research and energy has been spend studying the dynamics of peer relationships.
Few mechanisms in our society require such quality and quantity of time between individuals as SPORT.
Sport often builds peer-related bonds that may last a lifetime.
Possible Reasons Why Peer Relationships Thrive Through Sport?
Individuals in groups that require ___________________ often are unique to socialization.
___________________ adds to the experience among peers
The concept of social ___________________ , being liked at a group level, all add to the dimension of of developing friendships between individuals.
Similar in other settings (e.g., Military, Work Environment)?
Theoretical Explanations?
Sullivan, H. (1953) believed that both peer acceptance and friendship are critical to youth development.
Sullivan believed:
Individuals move from a ___________________ “egocentric” perspective to an understanding of the self as it relates to others.
___________________ ___________________
Sullivan’s contributions have been utilized for years in psychology.
As we move through childhood, we begin to develop and change our needs to be accepted by family and parents
At around ______ years of age, we seek same-sex interrelations with friends.
Peer Acceptance
Filters out some of the negative experiences one faced through ___________________ ___________________ .
Enables people to develop socially ___________________ behavior.?
___________________ Theory (Ainsworth and Bowlby)?
Suggests that the quality of attachment has implications for ___________________ outcomes in youth.
Interpersonal Theory (as discussed earlier in the semester), and ___________________ Theory are believed to have implications toward the development of friendships in adolescents.
Sport As A Social Currency – Beliefs on Social Value of Sport?
Youths, especially boys, perceive ___________________ in sport as being important to peer relationships.
e.g., Being good in sport leads to social acceptance, friendships and status.
In other words, youths perceive that you get ___________________ ___________________ (Social Currency)
Girls placed being good at sports as ___________________ to gaining acceptance and friendship. (What was ranked higher?)
There are some indications that ___________________ and friendship have a connection, but not yet acceptable.
Quality of Friendships in Sport?
Very ___________________ is known in the research on these factors.
Positive and negative dimensions have been identified.
Few distinct characteristics have been shown to refine a measure of friendship quality among sport participants.
Motivation In Sport and Peer Relationships?
Motivation outcomes are affected by ___________________ , ___________________ , ___________________ and ___________________ .
The links of these social ___________________ are just now being investigated as it relates to peer relationships in sport.
Peer relationships are also linked to both positive and negative affects in sport motivation.
Practical Implications?
Because there is a wealth of research still needed on Peer Relationships, as related to sport:
Caution is advised when generalizing that sport builds quality friendships.
The focus should be on:
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