The human body is made up of numerous kinds of skeletal joints. The most common is the Diathrodial joints, however, there are synarthrodial joints that are immovable, amphiarthrodial joints which are slightly movable, in addition to the diaarthrodial joints (sometimes referred to as synovial joints). Diathrodial joints are freely movable, have a joint capsule and secret synovial fluid which helps lubricate the joint. This joint commonly has ligaments that provide additional support during movement.

There are six types of diarthrodial joints, they are 1) gliding, 2) hinge, 3) pivot, 4) condyloid, 5) saddle, and 6) ball and socket. Below are some examples of these joints:

The movements about these joints are many, below are some illustration of most of the movements of the body. We would like for you to become aware of these movements and be responsible for making application of these movements in your analysis of activity.
